Add Austin to your April 2019 travels plans by joining CLIC on April 8, 2019, to discuss our Action Plan for Local Internet Choice for 2019 and Beyond. We’ll be coming together on the first day of the Broadband Communities Annual Broadband Summit, held at the Renaissance Austin hotel. CLIC members qualify for a discount to all three-days of this BBC event.
During our half day CLIC session, national legislative experts and local champions will address the challenges and opportunities for our local broadband future created by a new Congress in Washington and the FCC. We will examine issues ranging from broadband infrastructure funding, to yet more FCC regulatory initiatives that could intrude on traditional local powers. We will then delve into the 2019 state legislative year and discuss how new state proposals have hampered or helped local broadband deployments. Our afternoon will close with bi-partisan success stories from various local communities who will share their strategies on how to manage the politics of local broadband initiatives. See our diverse range of speakers here.
CLIC Members can attend our April 8 event and all three days of the BBC conference at a deeply discounted rate, by registering here and using the code CLIC410. Or become a CLIC member. It’s free.